Saturday, February 04, 2006

Soundtrack Part Three

Soundtrack Part Three Homeward Bound 29:58
This is the final part, homeward bound leaving the office and catching the bus home.

Soundtrack Project Full Details

On 3 February 2006, in response to an invitation received through the post on 2 February 2006 to take part in a distance artwork called

Soundtrack, I recorded elements of my day.

I converted these elements of my mundane life, going to work, going to the greengrocers at lunchtime, and going home into MP3's and

published them as podcasts, todays latest I.T. craze.

I then downloaded these podcasts from i-tunes to my i-pod and listened to them on Monday 6 February retracing my steps and attempting to

create my own unique sound echo.

With the files available to all for free via the internet I am in the process of encouraging more people to download my soundtrack via

i-tunes so they can create further echoes of my day and also to allow their own journeys to be soundtracked by my day.


Encouraging others to download the podcast is also an attempt to force my soundtrack to echo still further, onto the people you see

commuting trapped in the world of the white headphone.

Perhaps, if they appreciate the sounds they could naturally hear they might take the time to appreciate the sounds that occur on their daily

commute and record them for others to enjoy.

The soundtrack/podacst should be downloadable by searching jamjam23 in the apple music store.

Further info.
The project is purely digital as all the sounds were recorded using my mobile phone.

06 Feb 2006

Soundtrack is recorded in 3 parts

Soundtrack Part One Journey to work 35:01
Journey from my bedroom to work in Manchester City Centre

Soundtrack Part Two Greengrocers 20:16
Lunchtime, it starts at the greengrocers, and includes a chance meeting and a journey back to the office

Soundtrack Part Three Homeward Bound 29:58
This is the final part, homeward bound leaving the office and catching the bus home.

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