Saturday, November 26, 2005

How I invented...Darts

Funny story really I was running a half marathon in Stoke and looking through the crowds I noticed an Archery club, it seemed to take up a lot of room and looked like a very long walk to retrive your arrows. I thought to myself, there must be an easier way. I stopped running and burst into an Architects practice and hired a drawing board for an hour. 25 minutes later and I thought, why not just make the board and arrows smaller and rather than aiming for rings introduce a points system, I immediatly set about making a prototype and on my way to show it off to the captains of the archery club I stopped off at the pub, and told the barman my story, suddenly I was surrounded by fat men who all wanted a go as they were too unfit to play real archery and were not allowed into the archery club as they were not allowed to use archery buggies (think golf buggies but with a larger storage capacity) on Grand National Society Land and they were too fat to walk. The fat men loved it and I was so pleased to see their reaction that I did not bother to see the archery people. Come to think of it, its not really that funny.

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